Welcome to Apples 4 Apples
Apples 4 Apples provides Apple Repair Services. Repairs for all out of warranty Mac desktops, Mac laptops and Apple displays. On-Site Professional Services, Data Recovery, Memory Upgrades, Hard Drive and Software upgrades are available for many devices. Please ask a sales agent for more information or to stop in at any time. No appointments are required.
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Fast Turn Around
At Apples4Apples, we pride ourselves on superior Turn around time.

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We accept EFT, Debitcards, Master Cards and VISA.

Tips & Hints – Cleaning Your mac
If you haven’t already, power down the Mac and open the case. Your first instinct might be to simply use the compressed air and blow it everywhere, but that may only move dust particles to other areas or wedge them deeper into their hideouts. If you have the vacuum, use that on the dusty areas and even on places where dust doesn’t seem to appear.
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